Wednesday, October 31, 2007


10/26/07 – Today Montell was bought to the University of Illinois Outpatient Clinic to be evaluated by Surgeon Joseph Vertello. I arrived at 9:30 a.m. just in case they brought Montell in before his scheduled appointment. His appointment was for 11 a.m. I was supposed to be in the examining room when the doctor saw him. Lt. Davis from Stateville came out and talk with me he told me that if I had any problems to call him and that he had been instructed to make sure that everything ran smoothly. Dr. Vertello came into the waiting room and called my name. I followed him where Montell was and kissed Montell. I thought he was just getting there but found out from Dr. Vertello that he had examined Montell and that he couldn’t schedule him for surgery for two or three week. He stated that he couldn’t admit him into the hospital. I asked him what was I supposed to do. He informed me that I could take him to the emergency room and might admit him. I asked the guards and ambulance people to take him to the emergench room across the street from where we were. However, the ambulance people began to raise the stretcher up and a guard stood in front of me so I couldn’t get to Montell and told me that they were taking Montell back to the prison. I asked them to wait while I contacted my Attorney but they just started rolling him out. I tried to contact Lt. Davis but the call went into his voice-mail. However, I was able to contact Ted Pearson and he heard what was going on. Lt. Davis called me as I was leaving the hospital and I told him what had happened and he told me that no one had informed him.

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