Friday, December 14, 2007


12/14/07 – Today I arrived at the hospital at 12:45 p.m. and Dametra was already there. When I got to Montell’s room I noticed that he was quite agitated and wanted to know why? Dametra told me that she got there at 11 a.m. and that Montell had been lying in his feces since 11:30 a.m. She told me that she had rung the call button three or four times since that time and nobody came into the room to clean him up. There wasn’t any draw sheets, pads or gowns and she would have done it herself except for that. She told me that a nurse had came in and told her that she was getting a patient ready for surgery and that she had four other patients. Dametra told me that it doesn’t take that long to prepare a patient for surgery. The nurse had told her that she needed to order a rectum tube and Dametra said that she told her that they should always keep an extra rectum tube and Texas catheter in the room with Montell since they know that they are capable of coming off. She should know because she works in the medical field. At l:30 p.m. a nurse came in to give Montell some more IV and his antibodies. I told her and she went out and got what she needed to clean him up. She also dumped his output and he had 450 cc. I thanked her for cleaning Montell up. When she left Montell told me through the ABCs that nobody does any work and drifted off to sleep

When Montell woke up he wanted his left hand raised up. At 3:50 p.m. a nurse came in to take his vitals. His temperature was 97.6, blood pressure 110/69, pulse 100, oxygen level 99 and respiration 99. At 4:05 p.m. Montell told me that he had urinated on himself even though he has on a Texas catheter. I push the call button however, no one came into the room until 4:40 p.m. The nurse came in and even though I had told them that Montell was wet, she had to go back out and get the things to change the bed. In the process of changing him she flipped him over and his forehead hit the bed railing. After she left out the room Montell told me through the ABCs to “let’s go.” Lord, I hope and pray that I will be able to take him home and take care of him myself.

I asked Montell if he had seen the doctor today and he nodded his head up and down, indicating “yes”. Montell drifted off to sleep for a little while and he when he woke up he wanted to be moved to the center of the bed. Later on he wanted me to place his left hand on his shoulder and cover him up with the sheet only. I told Montell that I was going to get me something to eat because I began to get a headache at 5:45 p.m.

When I arrived back in his room at 6:30 p.m. Montell was irritable and through the ABCs let me know that he wanted us to go again. Montell then wanted me to put the pillow his head was on down so that his shoulder and head were both on the pillow. I later noticed that he was having spasms frequently and he was crying. He wanted me to take his left hand and put it up so he could hold the pillow and he wanted me to cover him up. At 7:l5 p.m. the IV machine started buzzing and I rung the button to inform them. You would not believe that no one came in before I left at 8 p.m. I decided to turn Montell to his left side at 7:30 p.m. and make sure that he was comfortable before I had to leave. I asked him if he was comfortable and he nodded “yes”. I told Montell that if he drifted off to sleep before I left that I would see him tomorrow and told him that I loved him. I asked him if he loved me and he nodded “yes”. When I left Montell was sleep.

This morning I called the hospital to find out why Montell wasn’t getting any mail. I left a message for the supervisor, telling him that its illegal to fool with U.S. Mail. He called me back while I was at the hospital on my home phone and left a message telling me that he delivers the mail to 7 East to be delivered to patients and that Montell's mail should be with her. I then called the hospital and was told that the person I needed to talk with wouldn’t be in until Monday however, a clerk told me that they have a procedure. I will call her the first thing Monday morning about this matter.


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